If you want to smell used panties and sniff sweet pussy scent from your hot panty girl, your in the right place!
I'm selling my pee scented panties. Buy pee panties
I know there are a lot of men who love to get my pee panties. You can pick any pair of underwear I have available for sale and I will pee thru them for you. As usually I pee thru them 2-3 times to make them as strong scented as you guys love. I don't ship them wet as you will not be satisfied because of amonia or mildhew scent, so I ship them dry. Please don't worry... the pee scent is really strong and you will have a lot of pleasure smelling them.
You need to boil a teapot and use a steam to make my pee panties as moist and wet as you like. Yummy!!
Send me a message to order my great smelling panties. Let me know how long you want me to wear them and any other requests you have. I want you to enjoy them as much as I enjoy wearing them for you!
Don't be shy about messaging me. I have sold many panties to many men. I can make them just the way you want them!
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